In different bouquet types, more and more people like Korean bouquets.Not why, just because Korean bouquet has a unique beauty, it just caters to people’s needs, the design is not miscellaneous and complicated, small and lovely.For general florists, Korean bouquets are the highlights that can attract customers.What are the characteristics of Korean bouquets?

The richness of flower material

Most of the Korean bouquets we can see in the flower shop are very rich in flower materials, from the point, line, face all aspects are available, it looks like walking into a colorful “small garden”!

In fact, single on the flower material, domestic flower material than Korea rich, just in the selection of flower material, considering the price and audience groups, only a few pursuit of high-end flower shops, will choose colorful flower material.

Key if you want to stand out in numerous florists, you must learn to try rich flower material collocation.

A combination of colors

Although the variety of flower materials used in Korean bouquets is very rich, there is no confusion. What is the reason?Although the Korean bouquet uses a wide variety of flower materials, most of them are similar to the color collocation, so that the whole bouquet looks clean and neat.

Note that if you are not good at color matching, then try this method, red, pink, white three colors, you just need to choose approximate color matching.

Choice of wrapping paper

In The Korean bouquet, wrapping paper is one of the advantages of the Korean bouquet, we choose the color of the wrapping paper to do the best of each other, do not appear too obtrusive nor too weak.

The second is the way the paper is folded, naturally, so that the whole bouquet looks harmonious.

Korean bouquets choose more fog paper, snow pear paper, kraft paper.Wrapping paper generally choose and bouquet of similar color, or the contrast is large, so it can attract the eye.For example, red flowers, you can choose black paper, or pink flowers, choose white or pink paper, are very “match”.

According to the length of the flower branch compared with the height of the paper, cut out excess paper, pay attention to make the paper before and after the bouquet opening has a sense of layered strewn at random, the lower paper remains crisp, the paper mouth can be adjusted according to personal preferences and the size of the bouquet.

Korean flower art clean and elegant, bouquet overall shape is more mellow and full.Wrapping paper is folded in half to make the inner wrapping, the outer wrapping is tiled, diamond-shaped arrangement, paper corners scattered at random, remember to pay attention to the bottom of the paper, and the nature of the fold.
